Ma ei pea end veeraiskajaks. Ma ei lase veel kunagi asjatult joosta ja isegi vannis käies lasen vanni vaid pooleldi (kui sedagi) vett täis. Kuid arvestades seda KUI palju ma olen viimastel nädalatel vannis käinud (loe: põhimõtteliselt igal õhtul), pean ma end vist paratamatult natuke süüdi tundma. Aga asi on lihtsalt selles, et raseduse viimaste nädalatega kaasnevaid seljavalusid leevendab soojas vees ligunemine nii-nii hästi, et kui ma mujale enam väga joosta ei jaksa, siis vanni jooksen nagu tuul. :D Teiseks olen avastanud midagi eriti mõnusat: vanni- ja dušiõlid. Kus nad varem olid? Okei, nad on juba pikalt olemas olnud… aga kus MINA enne olin?
Ever since third trimester kicked in, so did horrible back pains. It sometimes just feels as if someone is stabbing me in the back and I can only imagine how hard the actual labour pains are… but anyway, what I really wanted to say is that those pains have made sure that I find myself in a warm bath almost daily now. And as I more than appreciate a good sleep at the moment, I have also discovered something else: bath and shower oils. I know, they have always been there, but I just haven’t used oils in the bahtroom yet. On my body, face and hair, yes, but not in my bath. My two recent finds and favourites are H&M multi-use oil for bath, body and hair and H&M Revelation shower oil. First one I use in my bath (the skin is so soft and smooth afterwards!) and sometimes on my body before bed and the shower oil is basically just like an oily shower gel that foams up nicely. Afterwards my skin smells so-so good and I can fall asleep in a relaxing aromatherapy cloud. Highly recommend!