First of all, don’t you just love the packaging? It was the first time I heard about a makeup remover that was actually a butter, so you can imagine how intrigues I was when The Body Shopp gifted me this product.
It’s solid in the pot, but as you rub it with your fingers, you get a waxy liquid that just melts away your makeup. I used it both on my face and eyes and it worked like magic – took two uses on the eyes though, to get rid of the greyish tint under the eyes. I was afraid it would leave a greasy residue on my skin after I rinse it with water, but it actually left my skin squeaky clean (but not dry!).
Edaspidi, kui mul piisavalt aega ja usinust on, kirjutan teile arvustatavate toodete koostisosa ja märgin punasega ära kõik no-no‘d ehk koostisosad, mis pole meie naha ja tervise vastu just kõige sõbralikumad. Tuletaksin meelde, et olen sel alal veel ka ise võhik, nii et kui keegi siit veel midagi välja nopib, andke julgelt teada.
Lõppkokkuvõttes võin seda toodet julgelt soovitada – see eemaldab meigi kiirelt ja tõhusalt, ei kuivata liigselt nahka, lõhnab imeliselt, seda kulub korraga väga väike kogus… Usun, et see sobiks ka tundlikule nahale imeliselt, küll aga soovitan kõigil silmade ümbruses pisut ettevaatlikum olla. Kui liiga julgelt ja tugevasti silmamuna ümbruses sellega tegutseda, võib see kergelt ärritada.
Hind: 17 eurot (90ml)
Over all, I love this product! The only minus would be that it will irritate your eyes, if you’re not careful. Not too much, but still a little bit. It’s not too expensive as well, since you don’t really need much during one use. In Estonia it costs 17 euros for 90ml, but I’m sure it’s cheaper in the UK, as The Body Shop usually is. Every time I go to England, I stock up on TBS products, you guys always have amazing offers!