Kahjuks on aja- ja valgusepuuduse tõttu outfitipiltide tegemine väga raskendatud. Nii mina kui mu “fotograaf” oleme hommikust õhtuni tööl, nii et kohe kuidagi ei mahu need pausid sinna vahele. Alati on variant jalutada lõuna ajal elukaaslase töökoha juurde, kuid selleks pole juba pikalt aega olnud. Aga why waste a good outfit, nii et oma tänasest outfitist tegin telefoniga ise mõned pildid. Annan endast parima, et järgmised pildid oleksid juba etemad kui telefoniga tehtud peegliselfied. :D
Unfortuately my full time job and meetings/events, my boyfriend’s full time job + school AND the shortened period of light time outside makes it nearly impossible to take regular outfit photos. There’s sometimes a possibility to take a short walk during lunch, but usually we’re too busy for even that pause. So today you’ll have to excuse these mirror selfies, because I didn’t want to waste a good outfit. :D I promise the next ones will be better and not done by me… in front of a mirror… with a phone. :D