Miski ei kickstarti nädalavahetust paremini kui trenn. Ehkki mu peamiseks motivaatoriks on mu abikaasa, kellest on kujunenud ka mu personaaltreener, siis ütlen ausalt, et see uus Adidaselt kingiks saadud komplekt meelitab mind ka juba jõusaali. Kannan tavaliselt vaid tumedaid või vähemalt ühetoonilisi trennirõivaid, nii et vahelduseks on päris lahe midagi julgemat proovida. Lisaks pistan trennikotti Vitamin Well’i RELOAD-i, mis on juba pikka aega minu ja L. lemmik pärast-trenni-jook. Ma polnud eriline vitamiinivee fänn kuni leidsin Vitamin Well-i. Kui tavaline vesi jääb igavaks ja Cocale suudan vastu panda, haaran alati mõne neist.
There’s no better kickstart to a weekend than an hour at the gym. Although my main motivation for getting my butt over to the sports club is my husband aka personal trainer, I must say that takind a brand new set of gym clothes with me is also exciting. This set was kindly gifted to me by Adidas.
Another thing you can always find in my gym bag is Vitamin Well RELOAD – me and my husband both love drinking this after a good workout. I was never a fan of vitamin waters until I discovered Vitamin Well. Now whenever regular water is too boring and I’m able to resist Coke, I grab one of their waters.
Another thing you can always find in my gym bag is Vitamin Well RELOAD – me and my husband both love drinking this after a good workout. I was never a fan of vitamin waters until I discovered Vitamin Well. Now whenever regular water is too boring and I’m able to resist Coke, I grab one of their waters.
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