I would love to do more outfit of the day’s, I really love it when bloggers do them. Now, I don’t mean to me whiny, but it’s kind of hard for me to do them… I work from 9am to 5pm and here in Estonia, in October it means that I don’t get much daylight anymore. Well, if I rush home before 6pm I get enough to do some pictures by my window, but soon it will be too dark for that either. And I really like OOTD’s without the flash, don’t ask me why. But I guess I’ll have to use flash in the future, because long dark and cold months are ahead of me here. But hey, it also means Christmas, New Year’s Eve and my birthday! :)
But anyway… Today I rushed home and took some photos. They’re more like accessories of the day, but it’s better than nothing, right? I was just wearing my new favourite cosy sweater from New Yorker and dark blue jeans, which you can’t really see, but they’re like any other dark blue skinny jeans.
I got the bangle and the necklace as a present, but the bag is from River Island.
/ Väljas läheb üha pimedamaks ja normaalset valgust riiete pildistamiseks tuleb hoolega püüda – näiteks pärast tööd kiiruga koju joostes, enne kui kaob võimalus akna juures veel vähegi talutavaid pilte teha. Ees on külmad ja pimedad talvekuud, nii et peagi tuleb vist välk appi võtta. Vingumine lõppes nüüd. /
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