Mask of Magnaminty is a face mask/cleanser I got from Lush about a week ago. Since then I’ve used it twice on my face and twice on just my nose.
- the price – €4,9 for 125 g is not that expensive. I feel that I can use this at least 15-20 times. Again, I’ve used it twice on my face, twice on my nose and my bf used it once on his face, yet there’s barely any used from it. So it’s a lot cheaper than many other face masks out there.
- the smell – it’s really refreshing and nice!
- the feel – it’s so minty that it almost feels cold on your skin a few minutes after applying. And after I rinse it off my skin feels really soft and fresh.
- the effect – I really feel like it’s “sucking out” my blackheads and all that other yucky stuff. That’s why I sometimes apply it only on my nose – that’s where I get all my annoying blackheads.
- Rinsing – it’s so hard to wash it off after. I can’t really agree with what they say on their website: “The first thing about this mask is that it has to go on easily over the skin. It is what we call ‘slip’ in the industry. On sensitive skin you don’t want anything that drags, because it can cause already disrupted skin to inflame and go puffy.” Yes, it does go easily on the skin, but you have to drag the hell out of your skin to get it off and that’s not very nice. That’s probably why your skin looks a bit red after.
Do I recommend this? Yes! But don’t feel like you have to buy the 315 g pot, because it really takes time to use it up. But does anyone know – am I supposed to keep this in my fridge?
Eesti keeles:
Ostsin nädalakese eest Lushi näomaski/puhastaja Mask of Magnaminty. Olen sellest saati kasutanud seda kaks korda näol, kaks korda ninal ja korra laenas seda ka mu noormees… Õigemini määrisin ma talle endaga samal ajal näkku.
- hind – 4,9 eurot 125 grammise potsiku eest pole sugugi palju küsitud, sest seda jätkub tõenäoliselt 15-20 korraks
- lõhn – väga värske ja mõnus!
- tunne – see on hästi värskendav ja mündiselt jahutav, enim mõned minutid pärast peale panemist, enne kui see kuivama hakkab
- mõju – mul on tõesti tunne, et see teeb ninal olevate vastikute komedoonidega (mustpeadega) üks-null. Ka imeb see pooridest ära sinna kogunenud mustuse ja muu fui-fui.
- loputamine – selle maski maha loputamine on tõeline peavalu. Vahel on mul tunne, et ma võin oma nägu sooja veega nühkima jäädagi, kuid pärast avastan ikka nina juurest rohelisi täpikesi. See pole eriti vahva, sest ma pean siis oma nahka päris palju hõõruma ja venitama, mistõttu on see pärast kergelt punetav ja õrn.
Kas ma soovitaksin seda teistele? Kindlasti! Need, kellel on mure rasuse naha ja tüütute komedoonidega, võivad avastada, et see mask võib imesid teha. Pärast on nahk beebipehme ja pärast mõningad kasutamist on poorid silmnähtavalt kahanenud. Küll aga, ärge tundke, et peate ostma kohe 315 grammise potsiku. Väiksemast piisab algul täiesti.
Aga äkki keegi tark teab… Kas ma peaksin seda jahedas hoidma?
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