My dear friend Maarja gave me the cutest little gift. It’s the vanilla ginger lip balm by H&M. It smells mostly like vanilla and has a really light and soft consistency. I probably won’t be using this as a lip treatment, since I trust other brands more for that, but if I want a smoother surface for my lipstick, this would be great. But let’s just focus on the packaging! Isn’t that one of the prettiest lip balm packaging you’ve ever seen? The romantic and “vintage” style of it is gorgeous. Also, it suits with my girly room. :D
I just wanted to share. After all, my blog is about all things pretty. :)
Sõbranna kinkis mulle H&M-i vanilje-ingveri huulepalsami. See lõhnab põhiliselt vanilje ja kemikaalide järele, kuid on mõnusa ja pehme tekstuuriga. Huulte ravimiseks ma seda vast kasutama ei hakka, aga pinna “silumiseks” enne huulepulga kasutamist ehk küll. Ent põhiline on hoopis see imearmas väike metallkarbike, milles palsam pesitseb. Kõik sellised vanaaegse ja romantilise moega asjad võtavad mind lihtsalt jalust nõrgaks.
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