I have forgotten to show you our first “home” in Zakynthos – a beautiful villa in Blue Caves Villas complex. I don’t even know where to begin… it had everything and more we could ever ask for. Breathtaking views to the sea, caves and mountains, clear blue sea to dip into (or a private pool if you don’t feel like getting salty). The onky bummer was that since we were dealing a bit with illness and lost luggage, our mood wasn’t the best during the first couple of days and we kind of forgot to relax… Oh, how I would relax there now though.
Villas ootas meid kõik vajalik ja enamatki. Laual seisid uhkelt kohalikud Blue Caves veinid, kausis kohalikud granaatõunad. Elutoas tekitasid koduse tunde seal virnas olevad lauamängud ja magamistoariiulis ootasid uusi lugejaid mitmed mõnusad rannalugemised. “Ranna” mitte seetõttu, et tegu oleks klassikaliste rannaraamatutega, vaid nende laines lehed ja karedad kaaned andsid aimu sellest, et just nimelt rannas on nad eelmisi külalisi saatnud. Ent puhkajaid on kaht tüüpi: lugejad ja aktivistid. Viimaste tarbeks olid vaid kiviviske kaugusel (kui sedagi) välijõusaal, koopad, kajakid…
What I loved most about our villa, was that it wasn’t a sterile and modern hotel, but a house that made me feel like I actually had a beautiful home in Greece. That pinching a little more taste for our dinner from the huge rosmary bushes was an everyday routine. That having pomegranates and lemons growing around me is usual. How easy it was to forget that there are any other kind of places in this world than this idyllic atmosphere there. Even the nights were beautiful. Although a bit chilly, the scent from all the trees and bushes that has sunbathed the whole day reminded us of a beautiful day gone and hopefully another adventurous one to come.
We had the warmest welcome with local Blue Caves wines waiting for us. There were more details that really made it feel like a home: good music choices in the stereo, boardgames and summer reads, all waiting for us to relax and enjoy. And of course, anything you need for an active holiday: caves to explore and little paths to follow, only to discover clear blue sea with kayaks waiting for you.
I was endlessly grateful to our host, who had no problem providing us with a safe bed for our 10-month old, a comfy feeding chair for him and he also gave us a playpen, so I didn’t have to run after my son 24/7. Most of the time, of course, I did it anyway, because who am I to not let him play with warm stones and taste rosemary straight from the bush? :D
I’m gonna have to stop, before this post turns into a short novel. Blue Caves Villas is a definite place to check out if you want to experience all the pleasures of staying on a beautiful Greek island. They have villas with different sizes and styles to choose from, depending on your needs. It’s not a cheap place to stay at, but neither are the memories made there.