Pole vast palju neid, kes poleks kuulnud sellisest Taani ehetebrändist nagu PANDORA. Ehkki nende valikust leiab naistele ka sõrmuseid ja kaelaehteid, on nad kindlasti enim tuntud oma helmestega käeehete poolest. Need käeehted teeb eriliseks asjaolu, et helmeid on neile võimalik aja jooksul juurde koguda, olgu siis kingitustena kallitelt inimestelt (või miks mitte iseendalt), mälestustena reisidelt või märkimaks mõnd tähtsat etappi oma elus, sest lisaks niisama ilusatele leidub neil ka rohkelt temaatilisi helmeid.
Oma ehteid silmitsedes tuli mul lihtsalt tungiv tuju oma väikest PANDORA lugu teiega jagada. Arvan, et tegu on imeilusa kingiideega. Kui kellelgi juba käeehe on, pole kunagi keeruline talle kingitust teha: alati võib õllatada teda uue helmega. :)
Kas kellelgi teist on samuti PANDORA käeehe? Millised on teie helmeste saamislood? :)
Today I wanted to share my PANDORA story with you: show you my two bracelets and how they came to stay in my jewellery collection. I had wanted a PANDORA charm bracelet for a while and last Christmas my husband got me one with two charms he had chosen himself. On my birthday his family got me a silver heart and on our first wedding anniversary a black glass charm joined the family. This is mu favourite thing about their bracelets: once you have one, it’s always easy for people to give you gifts. A new charm is always welcome! :) They have beautiful necklaces and rings as well, of course, but my favourites have always been their charm bracelets.
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to new PANDORA store in Solaris shopping center and we had a task to put together a little set according to one fashion trend. Mine was gothic fashion, so I aimed for black and silver. Since PANDORA is very feminine and romantic, there was no way I would find any skulls there, so I chose a guardian angel and two flowers instead and joined them together on a black leather band. I was very happy with the result and so surprised when we could actually keep our creations – SO kind of them!
So this is my PANDORA story so far. Do you have one? :)