Veetsin laupäeva koos oma lemmikute kaasblogijatega Riia moenädalal ja meie kiire visiidi fookuseks oli Maybelline. Nimelt kutsus Maybelline meid ilupäevale, kus nad tutvustasid uusi trende ja ideed oma uue slogani “Make it happen!” taga ning pärast seda oli meil võimalik istuda Läti moebrändi QooQoo show esireas. Nimelt tegi Maybelline ka nende modellidele meigi.
I spent my Saturday at Riga Fashion Week with Maybelline. We had a chance to take part of their beauty day where they introduced their new launches and showed some makeup trends they used on Latvian fashion brand QooQoo models at the show.
At the hotel there were also some new Maybelline goodies waiting for us, which I’m gonna try out soon and see how they suit my taste and needs. They look promising enough though! ;)
Although the trip was super fast and kind of hectic, I enjoyed it very much, especially in the company of my favourite blogger girls. :)
Thank you Mabelline & Polhem PR for the trip!