Annan endast parima, et tuua siia blogisse tagasi igakuised lemmikute postitused. Esiteks saan ma nii teieni oluliselt rohkem lahedaid tooteid tuua, teiseks meeldivad sellised postitused ka mulle endale hirmsasti, nii et here we go!
Ma ei mäleta, millal ma viimati jumestuskreemi pealekandmiseks pintslit kasutasin, kuid see pidi olema päev enne kui avastasin Beauty Blenderi*. Ma pole enam kordagi tagasi vaadanud, sest imelise katvuse ja veatu tulemuse saavutamiseks lihtsalt pole paremat vahendit. Kasutan seda nii jumestus- kui peitekreemi jaoks ning olen tulemusega iga kord imeliselt rahul. Beauty Blender pole just soodsaim toode maamunal (eriti arvestades, et ta eluiga on lühem kui meigipintslil: svammi eluiga on umbes 3-4 kuud enne kui ta tuleks välja vahetada, umbes nagu hambaharjalgi. Ja seda loomulikult ka juhul, et oled selle eest korralikult hoolt kandnud, svammi regulaarselt puhastanud jne. Tean, et tehakse palju soodsaid alternatiive, kuid ma pole neid veel proovinud ja Beauty Blender (eriti musta värvi!) on mu absoluutne lemmik!
See, kes viitsib end iga kord pärast pesu kreemitada väärib medalit, sest minul ei õnnestu see kohe kindlasti. Ehkki armastan kehakreeme, olen enamikel kordadel pigem laisk ja lähen lihtsamat teed koos LUSH Ro’s Argan dušipalsamiga*. See on nagu juuksepalsam, kuid mõeldud kehale: kannad niiskele nahale (kusjuures seda kulub üllatavalt vähe!), ootad veidi ja loputad siis maha ning pesust väljudes on tunne nagu oleksid keha juba kreemitanud. Ta jätab nahale pigem kehavõi efekti (st on pigem rammusam) ja ka üpris tugeva aroomi, mis mulle isiklikult meeldib, kuid soovitan enne ostu ka ise nuuskida, sest 25€ pole just soodne hind. p.s. Lõhn hajub kehalt umbes paari tunniga.
I haven’t done a favourites post for a while, but as they’re the perfect opportunity to show you a bit more products you might be interested in, I’m trying my best to bring them back here. This time I have five favourites to share with you and pretty much one from every category: perfume, body, makeup, hair and tools.
I’m all about volume when it comes to hair and after years of trial and error I’ve decided that hair mousse is the way to go for ultimate volume. My current favourite is by Lee Stafford volume mousse and besides giving a proper bounce that lasts for a whole day it has a really great scent and doesn’t make your hair crispy or sticky.
I’ve been into more peacy/brown blushes for a while now, you won’t find any pinks in my collection. My recent discovery is “Mocha” blush from Lindex. Great pigment and the colour gives a nice healthy warmth to your cheeks. Plus it’s so cheap!
I love perfume and I have many, but the one perfume that seems to suit me the most (by getting me the most compliments, haha) seems to be Viva La Juicy by Juicy Couture. It’s such an unique sweet scent that lingers on your clothes for a very long time as well.
Ever since I started using Beauty Blender to apply my foundation, all my foundation brushes have been bored and unused… But I can’t help it, it’s the best way to give your skin a flawless finish with great coverage. I’m obsessed with my Beauty Blenders and keep them like my babies (keep in mind though that even with regular cleaning they should be thrown out and replaced after 3 months of use).
I’m lazy when it comes to body lotions. I love them, but most of the time just can’t be bothered to use them, I just want to climb into my pajamas already. And that’s why LUSH Ro’s Argan body conditioner has won me over: it works like hair conditioner, but on your body and after you step out of the shower you feel like you’ve already applied body cream. The scent lingers on my skin for about two hours.