In May I was was using more beauty products than usual, since I did a big clean out and wanted to make sure which products I had a future with and which ones I should just throw/give away. During this process I found some new favourites and also rediscovered some old ones.
Lindex Beauty Hand Cream. In case you didn’t know yet, Lindex now has a Beauty range, full of everything you need for your makeup and body care. I’ve already found my first favourite: floral scented hand cream that contains shea butter and is an effective moisturiser, yet it sinks in fast and doesn’t leave a greasy residue on your skin.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Flawless Concealer. I got this stick with mascara on one and concealer on the other end as a gift with purchase and although the shade doesn’t match me perfectly, I tried it as a concealer and I absolutely must get this product! It has such a good coverage and it stays put forever, it’s flawless both on pimples and under my eyes, since it doesn’t dry out the skin or crease. So far the best concealer I’ve ever tried.
H&M Kabuki brush. Since I’ve been using one of my Avon brushes for two years and also discovered this baby soft kabuki from H&M, it’s obvious that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get decent makeup tools anymore. This tiny kabuki is perfect for re-touching with powder during the day, plus it’s so small that it even fits in your pocket if needed. :)
theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer särapuuder. Olen sellest korduvalt ja korduvalt (ja korduvalt) siin kirjutanud, kuid ei saa jätkuvalt üle ega ümber sellest kui imeilusa kuma see annab, eriti just põsesarnadele. Selles puudris pole säravaid tükikesi ega glitter-efekti, pigem just kuma. Kuna kasutan küllalt matistavaid meigipõhjatooteid, kulub hiljem selline kuma tagasi süstimine eriti ära.
Maybelline Master Precise silmalainer*. Peaaegu (aga ainult peaaegu) sama hea kui mu senine all-time favourite vildikaotsaga lainer L’Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim: tugev pigment ja hea püsivus, lisaks ka minusuguse silmameigikoba jaoks lihtne peale kanda. Viimane kuivas mul aga üpris kiiresti ära, nii et eks selgub, kas see on üldine viga või läheb sellega veidi paremini.
Kas olete ka ise mõningaid neist toodetest kasutanud? Millised on teie mõtted:)
theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer highlighter. Since I’ve been using quite matte base products, this has been adding all the glow I need back to my skin. I just can’t get over this highlighter, it’s pure perfection. Not shimmery, but glowy. Not powdery, but almost buttery and creamy. I love it and can’t wait to purchase its bronze sister Betty-Lou as well!
Maybelline Master Precise eyeliner*. I prefer felt-tip eyeliners any time and this is almost as good as my all-time favourite L’Oreal Super Slim. Easy to use, great pigment, stays put. A winner in my book. My last one dried out quite fast though, so we’ll have to see how this one goes.
NYX Butter Gloss in “Creme Brulee”. Thereäs nothing I don’t like about these butter glosses. They have a great vanilla scent, they’re not sticky, the pigment is nice enough to even wear them alone, they don’t dry out my lips… Gorgeous glosses. Especially this shade, exactly what I need for pinky nude lips.
Have you tried any of these products? What are your thoughts? :)