Mineraalkosmeetika on miski, mis on ilumaailmas ringelnud juba pikemat aega, kuid millega ma veel süvitsi tutvust teinud pole. Viimasel ajal olen ma aga rohkem mõtlema hakanud, mida ma oma (väga probleemsel) näonahal kasutan. Alates sellest kui vahetasin näokreemi puhta kookosrasva vastu, olen näinud üpris drastilisi muutusi paremuse suunas ja vaikselt, samm-sammuhaaval tahaksin ka teisi n-ö puhtamaid tooteid enda ilurutiinidesse lisada. Üks selline võimalus tekkis mul nüüd tänu levelzone.ee-le Rootsi mineraalkosmeetikabrändiga IDUN Minerals. Rootslased lubavad, et nende tooted sobivad ka tundlikule nahale ega ummista poore, lisaks omavad puhtad mineraalid loomulikku päikesekaitset, mõjudes samal ajal nahale rahustavalt ja isegi ravivalt. IDUN tooted koosnevad 100% puhastatud mineraalidest ning ei sisalda talki, silikooni, parfüümi ega parabeene. See muidugi on nende enda jutt ja lubadused kodulehelt, aga fakt, et mineraalkosmeetika on nii puhas, et mine sellega või magama, on vast enamikele niikuinii teada. Veenduge siis lihtsalt enne, et tegu on ikka legit puhta mineraalkosmeetikaga ja IDUN paistab seda olevat. Valisin endale proovimiseks välja neli toodet ja kirjutaksin neist teile lähemalt – kellel puudub mineraalkosmeetikaga igasugune kogemus, saab siis aimu, kas ja kui palju erineb see oma mittemineraalsetest kolleegidest.
A makeup brand is only as good as the lipstick they offer, am I right? :D IDUN promises that their lipstick feels creamy and luxurious, while covering lips “with the drama of highly pigmented, ultra-purified minerals for perfect coverage and rich, even colour.” It has cliudberry oil and vitamin E listed in its ingredients, so it’s also supposed to be very softening and caring. The shade I picked is “Björnbär” and damn, I made a great choice, because honestly my jaw dropped when I took this lipstick out of the box. That’s how much I love purple berry shades! Now this is one of those lipsticks that will emphasise any dry spots on your lips, so make sure tohave soft and exfoliated lips before applying this. My favourite method of applying this shade is actually first putting a light layer of concealer all over my lips (my natural shade of lips is quite dark, so colour don’t always show up very vividly) and then dabbing in the lipstick and later also dabbing gently with my finger, so I get this nice and natural berry shade.
Gull is one of the three mascaras IDUN offers and this is the thickening one (they also have lenghtening and waterproof mascaras). It comes in a pretty thick golden tube. It’s one of those mascaras that doesn’t need you to use it for 1-2 weeks before it works its best – it’s really good from the very beginning. Thickens, but also lenghtens a bit, leaves your lashes dry and soft, not sticky and hard, which means that your lashes still look great even after a little nap. :) NB! If you have very oily eyelids, this mascara might not be for you and you should probably go with the waterproof version.
Last, but not least, valisin välja IDUN valgustpeegeldava peitepliiatsi. Olen kasutanud ja armastanud The Body Shopi Lightening Touch pliiatsit ning kasutanud ja ju-mal-da-nud YSL Touche Eclat pliiatsit, nii et tahtisn näha, kuidas mineraaltoode sama ülesandega toime tuleb. Pliiats tuleb kahes toonis, “Raps” (minu oma) on heledam ja külmem, “Havre” pisut tumedam ja kollakam. Kõigepealt saab see pakendi eest 12 palli 10-st! Pakend on imeilus ja sleek ningtoote kätte saamiseks tulb vajutada üleval olevat musta nupukest (esimesel korral tuleb seda vajutada ligi 60 korda, lihtsalt hoiatuseks – see on sääraste toodete puhul tavaline) ning musta nuppu saab ka lukku keerata, nii et lapsed/väikesed-mehikesed-kes-käekotis-elavad-ja-pudelitelt-korke-keeravad ei saa pahandust teha. Nii tekstuurilt kui pigmendilt on see hämmastavalt sarnane Touche Eclatiga. All in all, see on üks kindlaid võidutooteid, mida julgelt proovida soovitan!
Last, but not least – I’m a big lover of highlighting concealer pens. I have loved my The Body Shop Lightening Touch and I’m absolutely obsessed with YSL Touche Eclat, so I wanted to see how a mineral product compares. Idun concealer pens comes in two shades: “Raps” is lighter and with colder undertones, “Havre” is a bit darker and more yellow. The packaging of this product gets 12 out of 10 – it’s so nice and sleek and you can even lock the black button, so that kids/little-devils-who-live-in-your-handbag can’t push it when it’s not needed. It’s very similar to Touche Eclat both in texture and pigment, so I would definitely recommend giving it a go – if one of the two shades they offer suits you of course.