Kui ma seda nahkjakki New Yorkeris rippumas nägin, oleks selle ümber nagu mingi püha hiilgus olnud – see on täpselt see, mida otsinud olen ja ainult 49 euro eest!? Selle hinna kohta näeb jakk ikka väga legit välja ja loodan, et ta peab minuga ilusti vastu ka… Eriti kuna ma kavatsen seda terve sügise kanda (v.a neil päevadel, mil ma kannan üht imeilusat Jean Paul Gaultier for Lindex jakki… Oeh!). Üleüldse leidsin New Yorkeri sügiskollektsioonist hämmastavalt palju lahedaid asju!
Ülejäänud riietusest nii palju, et mul on hea meel tervitada ilma, mis võimaldab lisaks kaabudele ka soojemate mütside kandmist ja see Lindexi beanie on üks mu hetke suuri lemmikuid. Noh, ja loomulikult ainsal päeval sel nädalal, mil ei sadanud, panin ma lõpuks kummist saapad jalga… :)
I’m absolutely, totally and utterly in love with this faux leather jacket I scored from New Yorker this week! For the price (49eur) it looks much more expensive, it actually looks like real leather to me and I love the thick texture of it. Me and this jacket will spend a great fall together, I just know it… Unless I ditch it for something even more awesome, for example one specific stripy jacket from Jean Paul Gaultier for Lindex collection? ;)
Also, a note: it rained on Monday, it rained on Tuesday and it rained on Wednesday. It didn’t rain today, but today was the first day I decided to finally wear rubber boots. I should start following weather forecast more carefully.
Also, a note: it rained on Monday, it rained on Tuesday and it rained on Wednesday. It didn’t rain today, but today was the first day I decided to finally wear rubber boots. I should start following weather forecast more carefully.
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