Sel suvel on tee mu kosmeetikakotti ja vannitoariiulile leidnud arvukalt uusi tooteid, mis sobivad just praegustesse päikeselistesse päevadesse. Mõtlesin neid teile tutvustada ja kes teab, ehk leiab nii mõnigi teist siit samuti mõne uue lemmiku, eriti kuna tegu on toodetega, mida ma ise soojalt soovitan ja jumal teab, et ma olen proovinud väga-väga paljusid erinevaid asju, nii et mul juba on, millega võrrelda. ;)
A lot of new and fun products have found their way to me this summer and I especially love four of them. They’re absolutely perfect for summer and I’ll tell you why. ;)
I’ve been using BB-creams instead of foundations for the past month or so and I rediscovered Maybelline Pure 8in1 BB-cream for oily and combination skin. It has SPF15 (which is the main reason why I switched to it), but it also has 2% salicylic acid to help me fight with the pimples. :) Also, it has a very decent coverage. I still need a separate concealer for bigger spots and scars, but it evens out the skin tone so nicely, plus it lasts well on the skin.
Since we only get a tiny amount of perfect beach days during the year, I don’t actually feel too guilty about lying in the sun and working on my tan a little bit. For that purpose I’ve been using a nautral tanning oil with green tea oil from an Estonian brand Nurme. It has seven different oils in it to moisturize the skin and I mostly use it on my legs, since they’re the slowest parts of my body to get tanned. One big minus is that this oil doesn’t come with SPF, but I like the natural synthetic free ingredient list and the fct that it doesn’t let the sun dry out my skin.
I LOVE body loitions with good scent and Victoria’s Secret makes fabulous ones for that purpose: the scent lingers on your skin for hours, not to mention your clothes or bedsheets! Right now I’m using Pure Daydream with pearl orchid and pink currant. This speaks for itself, the scent is amazing!