Today’s bits & pieces post is a little bit more chatty, since there’s a lot to share. Also, if you feel like you’d like to see my Instagram photos before they get on my blog, the smartest move would be to follow me on Instagram (@annnaelisabeth). :D
Kes pole maitsnud roosi ja ingveri limonaadi, kuid tunneb, et see on miski, mida nad tahaksid teha, siis DO IT! Tegu on mu uue lemmiklimonaadiga, mis teeb igas mõttes silmad ette kõigile teistele (jah, ka sidruni omale!). Ainus miinus? Hind. Ühe pudeli eest tuleb välja käia enam kui kaks eurot ja seetõttu ongi tegu pigem paar korda kuus treati kui igapäevase janukustutajaga.
Hats are my new favourite thing, I wear them all day every day and they’re especially good to wear with this awful late fall weather we’re having here in Estonia at the moment. This hat is from Seppälä and I would wear it to bed as well if I could, I just love it!
Another thing I love is this rose & ginger lemonade by Fentman’s. It has such an unique taste and it is definitely my new favourite lemonade! If it weren’t so darn expensive, I’d probably buy it every day.
Me and my boy have been walking around in very cool and unique slippers lately. They were gifted to us by and Estonian brand KAUN and these slippers are 100% wool and they’re also handmade. They keep feet warm without making them too hot and the sleek sophisticated design would even be suitable for wearing at work I think. You can get these slippers in various design boutiques in Estonia, check out their Facebook page here.
Tundub nagu sellest oleks juba ilmatult pikk aeg möödas, aga millalgi lähiminevikus külastasin ma ka H&M-i showroomi, kus oli väljas nende sügiskollektsioon. Tumedad toonid, just the way I like it, aga midagi, mida kindlasti saada tahaksin mulle silma ei jäänud. Ma lihtsalt hoian oma soovide laegast (ja raha) nende Alexander Wangi disainerkollektsiooni jaoks, mida ma lihtsalt ei jõua ära oodata!
A Great Gatsby themed makeup and hair I created for a party and a littl sneak peek of H&M fall collection. But I’m actually more excited about the Alexander Wang collection they’re launching this fall. Jean Paul Gaultier for Lindex and Alexander Wang for H&M. This is going to be an amazing fall!
A little getaway in a summer house and a wedding invitation fo August! It seems that somebody has to go shopping for a dress and some shoes… And I’m not just talking about the bride. :D
Imeilusad muffinid on magus kihlumiskingitus mu sõbrannalt. Keda huvitab, siis neid saab soetada Kaubamaja toiduosakonnast. See oli mul esimene kord red velvet kooki proovida and I loved it!
These muffins were a cute and sweet engagement gift from my dear friend. It was my first time trying red velvet cake and I loved it…. But still preffered the chocolate one, as always. :D
I decided to jump on the Game of Thrones bandwagon and got the first book. I will first read other three books I have waiting in line, but this fall and winter will be all about Game of Thrones. I hope I will love it as much as so many others do. :)