1. Ma sain juhiload 19aastaselt. Läbisin teooria esimese korraga, kuid esimene sõidueksam jõudis kesta vaid 15 minutit, enne kui ma maanteel vales kohas tagasipööret hakkasin tegema ja sõiduõpetaja piduritele põrutas (kusjuures asjata, sest auto oli siis paigal – arvan, et ta tahtis dramaatilist efekti :D). Teisel eksamil ukerdasin ma tükk aega Nõmmel külgboksiga, aga muhe eksamineerija ütles, et laseb mu “koolipoisi kolmega” läbi. Siiski pean end heaks autojuhiks ja ehkki ma ei pargi mitte kunagi kahe auto vahele, olen ma juba viis aastat mõlkideta hakkama saanud…
Praeguseks kõik! Andke teada, kas siin on fakte, mis teie kohta ka käivad, oleks huvitav teada! :)
And now in English… Boy, that’s one LONG post. :D
1. I got my driver’s licence when I was 19. I failed my first driving exam – managed to screw up 15 minutes after the exam had begun. The second time was smoother, although I’m still a very sh*tty parker. :D
2. I have had one car accident. A car was driving in front of me in the parking lot, then it stopped and reversed into my car for no reason at all.
3. I absolutely hate it when people send me e-mails, naming me Anna Elizabeth. My name couldn’t be any bigger in my blog header and if you want to collaborate with me, at least learn my name first. :(
4. I’m engaged and getting married next summer! :)
5. I can eat meat only until someone reminds me that it’s meat or when I suddenly imagine the animal’s face. I’m better with fish, it doesn’t bother me as much for some reason. I’m pretty sure I’ll be oly eating fish soon.
6. I don’t have a lot of friends. From high school there are a few and I’ve met some very fun people during the last couple of years, but my best friends are my sister and boyfriend, I’m very close with my family and my job + blog takes up most of my time.
7. I’m obsessed with my little brother. When I heard I was going to become a big sister, I cried of happiness for hours and hours. Now he’s 11, but he’s still the center of my world somehow.
8. I asked for a puppy for years and when I was 11 I got a little dog. I named her Lotta and now she’s 13 years old and living in the countryside with my parents, enjoying her pension. :)
9. I’m half deaf, which means I can’t hear almost anything with my right ear.
10. I started blogging less than 3 years ago, but it has already given me SO many cool opportunities, I’ve done amazing collaborations, met cool people etc. I’m obsessed with my blog and forever happy that I decided to put myself out there. :)
11. I worked as an editor in Estonia’s biggest news portal Delfi for almost three years. Me and one other girl managed the female section of it and it was a lot of fun, though sometimes very emotional.
12. I seriously don’t understand people who feel the need to say rude things to others and then call it “expressing their honest opinion”. There’s a dfference between being honest/critical and being just rude and inconsiderate.
13. I can’t bend over for too long, I can’t be upside down for one second or go on any sorts of roller coasters. For some reason I get sick in a second!
14. I prefer staying at home to going out. There’s something more appealing in my little nest than a place full of drunk strangers.
15. I’m actually a very shy person. I love communicating with people and I’m good at keeping up the chat, but I only feel as my true self around my family members.
16. Although I put up hundreds of pictures of myself, I’m still trying to learn to live with my flaws and insecurities. Sometimes they overwhelm me and I know I have a long way to go before I can 100% accept myself.
17. I can’t stand it when someone talks about anatomy. I get a funny feeling in my stomach and just want them to shut up as quickly as possible. Biology was an absolute torture at school!
18. My first car is a Fiat Punto from 1996. I got it from my grandfather after I got my driver’s licence – before that it belonged to him. Now grandfather has passed away, but I still have the car. :)
19. My mother wanted to name me Karolin at first, but then I got Anna from my great grandmother and Elisabeth from my grandmother.
20. My older sister is my best friend. We used to be the biggest enemies (two teenagers sharing one room), but as soon as she moved out we became very close. We love travelling together!
21. I have visited 18 countries: Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, England, France, Spain and Greece. My favourite place on the earth is London, but I always get a warm feeling whenever I visit Norway, because a lot of my relatives live there.
22. I read A LOT – I’m always in the middle of some book and there’s always a pile of books waiting to be read beside my bed. One recent book that I would recommend is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt!
23. I learnt to read at a very young age and all my first books were by a Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. I still love those book to death, especially Kalle Blomkvist!
24. I’m a Potter girl. 100% and from head to toe!
25. I have never watched any of the Star Wars or James Bond movies. People are sometimes surprised at that, so maybe it’s an interesting fact? :D
26. I’m never fake friendly with someone I don’t like. I can’t find it in me to give a friendly smile to someone I can’t stand. Fortunately, there aren’t a lot of people like that or I just don’t see them in real life.
27. I’m not a cat person. I’m obsessed with my own cat, but I don’t care for any other cats, unless they’re kittens. I can’t wait to get another dog!
28. My love for photography began in 2009 when my sister gifted me my first proper camera for birthday. :)
29. I can’t eat or smell pineapple without getting sick or getting a headache.
30. I don’t believe in drugstore medicines. When I’m sick I do everything I can to use natural stuff. I only take a pain killer when I really need to, but try to avoid it as long as possible.
That’s all for now! :)