Kuidas teie nädalavahetus möödunud on? Vaadake kindlasti täna õhtul TV3-st “Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt”. Saade ise on tore, aga kõige toredam on, et bändiga esitustes taob seal trumme minu elukaaslane (kes, jah, lisaks põhitööle ja oma edeva tüdruku pildistamisele leiab aega ka andekas muusik olla :D).
I spent a cosy afternoon with my dear friend today. We visited a beauty trade fair in Pirita and then had a delicious lunch at a pancake bar Kompressor. It’s a simple place in the Old Town that gives you decent meals almost free, comparing to all the other prices in that area. :) I also visited Lindex to see how Matthew Williamson’s collection is doing here in Tallinn. Oh, how I wish I had a coat and a shirt from this collection… and how I wish money grew on trees. :D