In March I was too busy to focus on using up my products, although I really-really want to minimize my collection… Oh well, maybe I should just give up and get used to having a lot of stuff. It comes with the territory, doesn’t it?
John Frieda Luxurious Volume šampooni ja palsamit ei soovita ma mitte kellelegi. Nad võivad ju kohevust anda, kuid šampoonis on teise koostisosana märgitud Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ja palsamis on silikoonid. Viimase mõttele ei saa ma aga üldse pihta, sest vaatamata palsami kasutamisele on juuksed pärast imelikult takused ja “krudisevad”. Ütlen ausalt, et ma lihtsalt pigistasin nende lõpud vannipõhja, sest ei tahtnud neid enam kasutada ja ei vihka kedagi nii palju, et need talle lõpuni kasutamiseks sokutada.
Soft & Gentle olive and milk bubble bath was really cheap and did it’s job, plus a 1000ml bottle lasted me a long time. I would probably even repurchase it, since it only costs around 2-3 euros in Prisma. The Body Shop White Musk Libertine Body Wash is one of my most favourite shower gels – the sweet musky scent lingers on your skin even after a few hours and you only need a tiny amount of this gel to wash your whole body. John Frieda Luxurious Volume shampoo and conditioner are something that I wouldn’t recommend to anyone. The shampoo has sodium lauryl sulfate in it and the conditioner has silicones. Actually, the conditioner doesn’t even serve it’s purpose, since my hair were really frizzy after using these products nd they didn’t feel clean. I squeezed the last drops into my shower, since I really didn’t want to continue using these products. Arrgghh, disappointment!
Himalaya Purifying Neem Scrub failed to impress me, plus the beads in it felt too harsh. There are definitely better face scrubs out there, I would recommend something with smaller beeds or a scrub with a sandier texture. Oh, yes, it also didn’t get rid of dead skin. :) Avon Anew Vitale face wash got rid of all my makeup and smelled really good, but my skin felt soo-oo dry after using it and I prefer using something more natural on my face. I didn’t use Sebamed Clear Face Deep Cleansing Facial Toner daily – since I felt that it really was deep cleansing, I saved it for the nights when I had exceptionally awful skin. I felt that it really managed to calm my skin down and make it feel deeply cleansed. I also have a face wash from the same range that I use maybe one a week for deep cleansing.
Positus lõppeb halva noodiga, aga tahan teile tutvustada üht halvimat küünelakieemaldajat, mida mul on iial olnud “au” proovida. Dependi Super Quick küünelakieemaldaja haiseb see meeletult tugevasti – kui ma seda kasutan, on toas veel mitu tundi tugev küünelakieemaldaja lõhn. Teiseks ei eemalda ta lakki kuigi kiirelt ja pädevalt, nühkides tumedamad lakid enne veel mööda sõrmi laiali. Kolmandaks kuivatab ta pööraselt – küüned on pärast kuivad ja rabedad ja sõrmed karjuvad kreemi järele. Olen uue küünelakieemaldaja otsingul, soovitused on väga teretulnud! ;)
I’ve always been a big fan of The Body Shop body butters and it wasn’t until recently that I discovered a new body moisturizer that I love ten times more (a post about it will be up soon enough!). The Body Shop Vineyard Peach body butter is quite thick (they have thicker and creamier ones, depending on the type of skin they’re meant for, VP is for dry skin), so applying it all over your body takes some time. It also takes time to absorb. I loved using it before bed and I LOVE the scent it left on my skin – it smells like real peaches, not artificial at all!
Depend Super Quick nail polish remover is just plain awful! It has a really strong smell that lingers in your room even after a few hours, it dries out your nails and fingertips and it smudges the polish everywhere on your fingers, before removing the polish. Just trust me and don’t buy it… Any recommendations are welcome, I’m on a hunt for a new one! ;)
NB! Arvustan ja tutvustan siin blogis pidevalt teie jaoks tooteid ja nüüd oleks mul pisike vastupalve. Palun soovitage mulle häid küünelakieemaldajaid ja mõnda head kergelt koorivat näopuhastusvahendit, mida igapäevaselt kasutada, kuid mis ei sisaldaks igasugust keemiat ja muud jama. Olen uute otsingul. Aitäh! :)