I already own quite a few brushes from Real Techniques (Core Collection, Starter Kit, blush brush and stippling brush), but this week I discovered that my local department store had stock up on their RT selection and they finally had the powder brush! I’ve been looking for a big fluffy powder brush for a while now, so I bought it without thinking. In Estonia RT brushes cost 10-25 euros (around 10-12 for single brushes and 22-24 for sets).
Real Techniques brushes have really great quality. They’re created by Samantha Chapman, who is a well known makeup artist. I’ve used some of my RT brushes for over a year now and they still haven’t shown any sign of shedding – they’re still like new every time I wash them. This brush is no exception and how SOFT it is! It’s just as soft as my friend’s little pet rabbit. :)
Kes on kvaliteetsete ja vastupidavate pintslite otsingul, võiks kindlasti Kaubamajas neid pintsleid lähemalt uurida. Tean, et neid müüakse ka I.L.U kauplustes. Algul võivad need tunduda kallid, aga olen üsna kindel, et minu RT pintslid teenivad mind küll veel pikki aastaid…
This powder brush promises to evenly apply powders and mineral foundations for smooth, high definiton results and that’s exactly what it does. I’d say the only minus is the handle. It takes up so much space in my brush jar. It’s wide, so that it can stand on it’s own, but I like to store my brushes in a glass jar. So it’s not the most travel friendly brush, but it works well and I can always buy a little kabuki for on the go occasions. The other bad thing about the handle is that the rubber on it starts to wear off after a while and reveals the white plastic underneath, which is not the prettiest sight, but can be somewhat fixed with black nail polish.