I love bright lips – they can give you such a put together look, even if you’re just wearing simple or no eye makeup and have thrown on quite random clothes. They just make you look like you’ve really made an effort. But they need work and attention – when it comes to dry or chapped lips, bright lipsticks are your worst enemy. They literally show every imperfection on your lips. So here are my few tricks and tips on how to make your bright lips perfect and not worry too much about it wearing off or making your lips dry.
Step 2: Moisturize! You should always apply soome lip balm before any kind of lipstick – this way you’ll create a smooth surface and make sure that the lipstick won’t dry out your lips as much. NUXE Reve de Miel is the perfect lip balm for that – it’s so thick that it fills most of the lines on your lips and it creates a really matte and smooth surface for lipstick.I’ve found that when I apply this under my lipstick, the colour glides on so smoothly and stays put most of the day without drying out your lips.
2. samm: niisutus. On oluline, et su huuled oleksid enne mis tahes värviga huuletoote peale panemist pehmed ja niisutatud. Soovitan kasutada huulepalsamit, mis on pigem paksema kui libedama koostisega. Minu jaoks on ideaalne NUXE Reve de Miel huulepalsam, mida armastan nimetada ka n-ö primer’iks, sest see on nii tihke ja paks, et täidab ära suuremad huulevaod ja loob huulepulgale ideaalselt sileda ja mati aluspinna. Ma ei tea kas ja kus NUXE tooteid Eestis müüakse, aga seda palsamit saab näiteks feelunique.com leheküljelt osta.
Step 3: Application. It’s recommended to use a lip pencil, but it’s obvious that if you have 8 different bright lipsticks, you’re not going to buy eight different lip pencils. I’ve found that with a steady hand you can pull it off without lip pencil (unless you’re wearing red, red lipstick needs absolute precision!). I start from my upper lip, following it’s shape and then I do the bottom one. I always rather pat than slide my lipstick, not quite sure why, but it works for me. If I go out of liner, I apply some foundation on a q-tip and fix it with this.
3. samm: pealekandmine. Kõige parem on, kui erksa värviga käib kaasas ka sama tooni huulepliiats, kuid on ilmselge, et kui sul on mitu-mitu erinevat värvi huulepulka, ei hakka sa endale igas toonis ka pliiatsit ostma. Vähemalt minu ja mu rahakoti jaoks on see loogiline. :D Värv, mis siiski ALATI enda kõrvale pliiatsit tahaks, on punane, sest punane huul peab olema veatu, muidu ei tasu sellele mõeldagi. Mulle meeldib erksaid toone kanda peale huulepulgaga pigem õrnalt patsutades kui hõõrudes, seni kuni olen saanud soovitud pigmendi. Kui läheb veidi huulepiirist mööda, võtan ma vatitiku, millele panen pisut jumestuskreemi (kui mul on enne jumestuskreem peale kantud) ning kustutan sellega vead. :)