I work and study full time, so sometimes I spend really long and tiring hours away from home. There are a few beauty essentials I always carry with me to make me feel better or spice things up a little, in case I go out after I’m done with being a busy bee. :)
Töötan ja õpin igal tööpäeval nädalas, nii et mõnikord veedan ma kodust eemal väga pikki ja väsitavaid tunde. Et end paremini tunda, kannan endaga kaasas mõningaid iluvidinaid, ühtlasi kuluvad need ära, kui peaksin tahtma hiljem näiteks välja minna, kuid ei leia aega kodust läbi käimiseks.
First off, I always need lip balm. Usually when I have it with me, I never end up using it, but whenever I forget it home, I desparately need one. :D At the moment I have this Herbalife Skin Activator Lip Refiner that I got from my aunt. It smells and tastes like face cream, which is weird, but it’s really moisturizing and gets the job done.
My hands don’t get dry usually, but I still like to keep some kind of cream with me. Since I have run out of all my little pots and tubes, I brought this Anne Lind lemon grass body lotion to my office. It has a really nice and fresh scent (I LOVE lemon grass!) and I love the fact that it’s 100% natural fragrances and free from preservatives, silicones, synthetic colorants and mineral oil.. Plus it sinks in quite fast, so that it doesn’t disturb typing or writing.
I like to have a bright lipstick with me… well, just in case I go out and want to add some colour to my face. ;) Here I have Dior Addict Extreme lipstick in “53 Lucky”. As for other makeup bits, I also have a powder for touch-ups (Maybelline Fit Me) and two eyeliners (simple black and something more colourful) with me, n case I want to brighten up my eyes before I go somewhere. The last makeup essential is some kind of bronzer/blush to add some colour to your face when you’re feeling exceptionally dull after a long day. My favourite is Too Faced “Snow Bunny”, which is actually a 3-in-1 product, since it bronzes, highlights and works as a blush as well.
I always carry hair spray with me, it’s a habbit and helps me to keep some volume in my hair. And of course, a perfume! Just a little spritz of a good scent can lift up your mood for new adventures! My current perfume is the Japanese Cherry Blossom from The Body Shop. It’s really light and doesn’t disturb anyone who has to sit next to me. ;)
Meigitoodetest on esimesena esindatud tavaline puuder nina puuderdamiseks (Maybelline Fit Me) ja kaks silmapliiatsit (klassikaline must bareMineralsilt ja midagi värvilisemat Make Up Store’ilt, kui tahan silmad eriti särama lüüa). Enamasti on minuga kaasas ka mõni erksam huulepulk, sest kui ma ei viitsi silmadega tegeleda, tõmban tähelepanu huultele. Mu viimase aja suur lemmik on Dior Addixt Extreme huulepulk toonis “Lucky” – see on nii mõnusalt kreemjas ja mitte nii tugeva pigmendiga, et sellega peaks pööraselt ettevaatlik olema. Kui tunnen, et olen näost eriti “ära”, haaran oma lemmiktoote Too Faced’ilt – nende “Snow Bunny” töötab nii päiksepuudri, põsepuna kui highlighter‘ina ja petab ära kõik need, kes ei tea, kui pikk päev sul tegelikult juba seljataga on.
Juukselakk on miski, mille ma alati kotti pistan (kui see sinna mahub) – see aitab mu muidu igavatele ja lududele juustele natukenegi iseloomu lisada. Ja loomulikult ei tohiks unustada lõhna! Hea parfüümiga piserdamine annab kogu enesetundele uue olemise. Praegu kasutan päevasel ajal The Body Shop’i Japanese Cherry Blossom lõhnavett, sest see on parajalt kerge ega sega kedagi, kui seda salaja kontoris peale piserdan. :)