The title wasn’t meant to sound so sarcastic, I actually really do enjoy packing. I love putting together outfits and I always organize everything on my bed before I put it into mu suitcase. Everything to do with organizing makes me feel really relaxed.
Do you enjoy packing? Do you think it’s fun to plan your outfits and make a list to make sure you have everything you need or are you a hectic last minute packer?
Pakkimine on täies hoos – mul on alati kombeks kõik esmalt voodi peal ära sorteerida, siis kohvrisse panna ja hiljem kümme korda üle kontrollida. Midagi ei tohi ju maha unustada. ;)
Kuidas on lood teiega? Kas olete viimase hetke pakkijad või sama suured organiseerimis- ja planeerimishullud nagu mina?
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