My best friend turned 22 yesterday and we are going to celebrate tonight, just us girls. :) I decided to wear my new silver top from Zara (from the sales section, hell yes!) and simple black skinny jeans. On my eyes I have Wet n’ Wild palette “Walking on Eggshells” and on my lips I have Estee Lauder Pure Color Gloss Stick (“Night Bloom”) on top of Rimmel’s “Airy Fairy”… Although I know you can’t really see the colours that well… But hey, it’s not a review/tutorial. Just some fun. :) Oh, and on my nails – OPI “Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous”. Got to run now!
Lippan just välja sõbranna sünnipäeva tähistama, enne aga jagan teiega oma tänast look’i (just nii kannatamatu blogija ma olengi!). Otsustasin kanda oma uut hõbedast Zara toppi ja klassikalisi kitsaid musti teksasid. Silmameik on tehtud Wet n’ Wild “Walking on Eggshells” paletiga ja huultel on Rimmeli “Airy Fairy” ja Estee Lauderi Gloss Stick “Night Bloom”. Küüntel OPI “Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous”. Ja juba ma jooksengi. :)
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