On Friday I went to a midnight shopping event in my local mall with my boyfriend – we needed to get some christmas presents and I also found four things for myself… Nothing too exciting, I needed some warm clothes so I got a warm sweater from Mohito and a nice cardigan from Reserved. I also found this really cute bracelet from Mohito – it’s exactly my style and would go so well with my leather jacket. The Lancome Juicy Tube was 25% off and my boyfriend fell in love with it when I tried this on at the store (yes, I cleaned the tube first and applied it first on my finger! :D), so I kind of had to get it.. Plus, I’ve always wanted one. They’re so adorable. :)
p.s. Would you like me to include the prices in the future?
p.s. Would you like me to include the prices in the future?
Käisin reedel koos kallimaga Kristiine Ööšopingul (ma keeldun kirjutamast “ööshopping” nagu plakatitel :D), et pisut jõulukinke osta, kuid leidsin loomulikult ka endale midagi. :) Reservedis ja Mohitos oli kogu kaup -40%, nii et sain endale talveks mõnusa pika kampsuni ja kardigani. Haarasin Mohitost ka selle käevõru, sest see on täpselt minu maitse ja sobiks ideaalselt mu nahkjakiga! Ja reede oli see päev, kui ma sain lõpuks oma elu esimese Lancome Juicy Tube huuleläike. Ideaalis oli kogu Lancome’i huulemeik -25% ning ma kasutasin juhust. :)
p.s. Kas te tahaks, et ma lisaks edaspidi hinnad ka?
p.s. Kas te tahaks, et ma lisaks edaspidi hinnad ka?
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