After a long week I definitely deserved a treat last Friday. So I went to Lush to get some goodies to have fun with during the weekend.
Every time I step into Lush I think that the people who work there must smell soooo yummy when they get home.
I knew I wanted to try Angels On Bare Skin cleanser the moment I heard DulceCandy87 raving about this in her October favourites. I looked up some reviews and decided to try it. I really wanted to try a soap from Lush and since I’m obsessed with everything soft and sweet Honey I Washed the Kids seemed like a natural choice. I’d been thinking about getting a new face mask and remembered that when wondering around the store, so Mask of Magnaminty found it’s way to my basket. As for the Snow Fairy shower gel... It was so cute and pink, plus I know that the smell of Lush shower gels lingers on your skin forever.
Let me know if you’d like a review on any of these products!
/Eelmine nädal oli eriti pikk ja väsitav, seega oli enda väike hellitamine Lushis täiesti õigustatud. Tahtsin kindlasti prooiva näopuhastajat Angels on Bare Skin, sest olen selle kohta palju head lugenud. Kuna ma soovisin ka esimest korda elus mõnd Lushi seepi proovida, siis jõudis minu kui kõige magusa ja pehme armastaja korvikesse mesiselt ja karamelliselt mõnus Honey I Washed the Kids. Poes olles meenus mulle ka, et mul on ammu kõik näomaskid otsas ning Mask of Magnaminty jäi mulle seega silma. Pealegi maksis see potsikuke vaid umbes 5 eurot, mis pole sugugi paha – silma järgi vaadates saan ma sealt ikka vähemalt 15-20 maski teha. Väike roosa pudelike Snow Fairy dušigeeliga sattus mulle aga lihtsalt pihku ja ma ei tahtnud seda enam käest panna… Lushi dušigeelid on veel eriti mõnusad, sest nende lõhn jääb nahale veel kauaks pidama.
Andke teada, kui mõne toote kohta arvustust tahate! Teeksin seda hea meelega. :)/
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