I was looking for a new fall bag for quite some time. I knew it had to be black (oh, surprise!), stirdy and big enough for whatever I “need” to take with me every day. Also, I like stuff with just a hint of edginess to them.
I’d seen the oh-so-famous Rocco by Alexander Wang everywhere. Well, in Youtube and in other beauty blogs, never in Estonia. I always knew what it was and someone even called it the “blogger bag”, since every blogger out there seems to have a replica of it.
Then, like a light bulb it crossed my mind again and I knew I had to have it. Yes, everyone has it and it’s not the most original purchase I’ve made, but god, do I LOVE it…
I was so pleasantly surprised when I got this. It’s good quality, stirdy, spacious and I absolutely adore the studded bottom – remember what I said about wanting something more interesting than just a boring black bag? ;) My dad said that with this bag I can feel safe in dark and strange places. :D I wish it had a long strap or at least longer handles, but it’s okay. I love my fake Rocco and I think I’ll build my autumn wardrobe/style around it. Comfortable and practical with an edge.
It cost me £30 + shipping, which for this style and quality is amazing. This eBay seller also has it in grey, brown and white.
/Olin endale juba mõnda aega sügiseks uut kotti valinud. Järsku hüppas mulle pähe Alexander Wangi Rocco. See on väga-väga paljudel välismaa ilublogijatel ja Youtube’i tüdrukutel, kuid Eestis pole ma seda veel näinud (või tähele pannud). Ma armastan selle mahukust, vormi ja stiili. Põhjas olevad needid on mu lemmikud – mulle meeldib, kui muidu väga lihtsatele esemetele on pisut millegagi iseloomu juurde antud ja need needid teevad just seda. Isa ütles koti põhja nähes, et selle kotiga on mul pimedatel tänavatel küll turvaline liikuda. :D Kui kellelgi on huvi, siis seda kotti saab osta näiteks viimase pildi all olevalt lingilt. :)/