I allowed myself a little splurge and got this little baby. That’s what happens when you read so many beauty blogs and see that a proper beauty guru just has to own one of these absolutely gorgeous lipsticks. At first I was afraid it would not be as good, but I was actually very pleased with it! The colour payoff is absolutely great, I barely have to touch my lips and they are already rose caresse.
Yes, I know that 30 euros for a lipstick is quite insane, but I’m a true believer that a girl just needs a bit of luxury in her life. Taking this out of my bag to throw on before a party makes the whole doll up process much more glamorous.
Lubasin endale väikest pahandust ja ostsin selle kuldse kaunitari. Nii juhtub, kui loed mitu aastat ilublogisid ja avastad, et ühel korralikul meigihullul lihtsalt peab üks YSL-i Rouge Volupte olema! Kartsin algul, et see ei ole nii hea, kui räägitakse, ent ei pidanud pettuma. Tekstuur ja värv on lihtsalt imelised! Jah, ema on mullegi õpetanud, et 30 eurot huulepulgale kulutada pole just mõistlik, kuid usun sellesse, et tüdruk lihtsalt vajab oma ellu pisut luksust. Selle meigikotist välja võtmine enne pidu muudab terve sättimise protsessi palju glamuursemaks.
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